Music Charity News
Article Editor: Carly Zander
Little Steven Pours Heart and Soul into Garage Rock Festival
Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation Chosen as Official Charity for Event
CHARLOTTE, NC and NEW YORK - Aug. 10, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- The Muzak Heart &
Soul Foundation has been chosen as the official charity of Little Steven's
International Underground Garage Festival. More than 40 rock-n-roll bands will perform
at the festival Saturday, August 14, at Randall's Island in New York City.
Little Steven Van Zandt, member of Bruce Springsteen's E-Street Band and the cast of
HBO's hit series The Sopranos, is hosting the event to support his personal mission to
revive interest in garage band rock. Van Zandt is also serving rock purists and
creating an upsurge of new fans through his popular syndicated radio show, Little
Steven's Underground Garage, carried by more than 200 stations nationwide.
"Heart & Soul is doing some amazing things with their mission to redefine music
education. Part of my mission is to reeducate people and show the purity of the art
form as it was laid down by the great bands of the past and to support bands who are
striving to carry on that tradition today. It's a great fit and we hope to raise a lot
of money for Heart & Soul," said Van Zandt.
Last year, Van Zandt volunteered time out of his incredibly hectic schedule to host a
guitar symposium for Heart & Soul. He spent the day in Charlotte, NC, teaching 25 local
teenage musicians about the history of rock-n-roll and encouraging them to follow their
dreams and play music from the heart.
"Little Steven has been very supportive of Heart & Soul and we're thrilled to be the
exclusive charity at his festival. We hope to raise money and get other artists
involved in our efforts to provide innovative educational opportunities. We want to
ensure that kids have the chance to develop their passion for music," said foundation
president Lon Otremba.
Tickets to the festival are available through Ticketmaster.
About Heart & Soul
Muzak LLC established the Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation in 1998 as a 501(c)(3) public
charity committed to redefining music education. Since its inception, the Foundation
has provided significant and focused support to music programs in more than 75 schools
nationwide. Monies support innovative educational opportunities like Noise!, a summer
program for students looking to turn their passion for music into a professional career
in the music industry .
For more information on the Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation,
please visit
Organization Website:
Source of News:
Muzak Heart & Soul Foundation
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