Press Release Services Overview
for Send2Press Newswire
This page provides an overview of our targeted online press release distribution, press release writing & social media marketing services.
Thank you for your interest in our press release services.
Since 1983 Neotrope®, a privately held company in California, has provided best-in-class personalized and targeted news distribution Direct-to-Editors™, along with professional press release writing by an accredited PR staff. With over 35 years of experience in both traditional and modern public relations (PR) practices, our company can help you “get the word out” about your business, product, service, or industry expertise as an opinion leader.
Send2Press® Newswire has been online over 20 years*, long before most of our competitors knew what a press release was. We have a superb track record and very high credibility in the news business. (*Verify via
Our news runs on 200-300 websites with every service plan, and is also shared to all the top social media sites as well as Apple News, Bing News, and Google News. We provide superb reporting with direct-links to your story online, social media clips, and social click-through tracking with our PRTrax™ report dashboard.
Since 1983 we've been helping clients of all sizes and from all industries “get ink,” plus raise awareness of their companies and brands. Over the past 20+ years we've also specialized in raising online visibility. A full U.S. National Distribution Plan starts at $199.
For over 35 years we've been helping our clients craft compelling messages to get in front of interested media folk. We've helped clients get major media coverage (“pick-ups”) in every conceivable venue including traditional magazines, newspapers, broadcast and blogs.

We have used Send2Press for over a decade to reach the media and public on behalf of our clients in the insurance,and healthcare industries. Send2Press is large enough to command solid exposure through all media channels, yet small and agile enough for its team to work with us on a first-name basis and get our message out in ever-new ways, particularly innovative social media reach. This is vital as print media struggle and Internet options evolve.
— Dick Samson,
Director, EraNova Institute / The LTC Guild
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Save 10% on Your First Press Release Project Right Now
- Easy sign-up and no monthly or annual “subscription” fees
- Pricing starts at $99 for a U.S. State distribution + syndication, or $199 for a National distribution plan (before discount). Full writing service $199.
- (Discount for "no-rush" projects. Read coupon terms of use.)
Important Information
to Get Started Using Our Services
The following links help you find important information about our services without having to use the drop-down menu bar at top of our site pages. Links open in new browser "tab" so you can easily return here without getting lost.
View our 2021 U.S. press release distribution plan packages, pricing, and features ("what we do"). Service packages updated March 1, 2021. |
Simple instructions on how our services work. All services are pre-paid, ordered online. News is submitted via project form after checkout. |
View our media lists page to see examples of U.S. media we reach by email, via AP newsrooms, social media and online syndication. |
With all distribution plans (except budget "BASIC" plans), we provide a clip report and search tools. View video overview of our PRTrax™ Dashboard. |
View our news room to see current and past client projects; press releases we have issued. Also view news by specific industry topics. |
Examples of some known "earned media pickups" for our clients; not "syndicated pickups." Links to releases and to the media coverage. |
Review our minimum requirements for a proper press release. A release is news coming from your company not fake article about you. |
Prior to ordering our service, you must review our ACP regarding the news content we do accept and do not accept, based on specific topics. |

Learn More About What We Do

How to Order Send2Press Services
Normal business hours: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. PST/PDT, Mon. - Fri., in Calif. USA.