How to Order Services

Hello, and thanks for your interest in Neotrope’s Send2Press Newswire service offerings. Please scroll down to review this entire page prior to ordering as you will likely find it helpful.

International Clients – Note

IMPORTANT NOTICE: We are not accepting *new* clients from outside the U.S. and Canada at this time without pre-approval. Email us at help @ with link to your English language website. Please review our Acceptable Content Policy (ACP).

How to Sign-Up

There is no need to register or “sign up now” prior to your first order. An account is created for you based on a valid email address and we generate a password for you. Existing customers should login first prior to placing order, as the system cannot create second account for same email address. We have no “guest checkout” option.


Review Plan Features:

Please first review our different service plans and pricing from the main sections of our website related to press release distribution, press release writing, who we are, client testimonials and success stories.



Review Acceptable Content Policy (ACP):

It’s important to review the types of news we DO ACCEPT and that we DO NOT ACCEPT, as we have specific limitations on legal news, political news, and we reject numerous “junk” topics. Please remember, we are not obligated to accept ANY news content unless it meets our ACP. You may pre-submit news for review prior to purchase if unsure after reading our ACP.



Review Content Format Requirements:

Please review our “getting started” content requirements which outline the baseline elements necessary for all press releases following normal industry practices. We have specific requirements for headlines, dateline at start of first paragraph, attribution for news source in first paragraph, and quotes must be attributed to someone (we don’t allow “blind quotes”).



Add Service(s) to Your Shopping Cart:

Locate the plan(s) you want from this store using navigation on front page of store, from service menu in blue-bar above, or on desktop PCs, from the navigation bar at left (not seen on mobile devices). You can choose and add most add-on options at same time you add a service to your cart, for ease of use.

This “How to Order” page is in our store, so note the category drop down in menu bar, and if on desktop, note store categories on left side of page. Or, to go to front page of store/tap the store button below.



Checkout (Pay for Services):

When you have all desired services and add-on options in your cart, simply go to “checkout” and choose your payment method, enter billing and payment information (you can log-in if a former client); complete checkout.

We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover). We also accept Apple Pay from compatible devices. Optionally you can pay via your PayPal account using either your balance or using a credit card.

(NOTE: from time to time PayPal has hiccup and does not connect back to store to show order is being processed. We will manually fix this during normal business hours, if needed.)

Note: be sure to enter your company information properly during payment/checkout. We cannot “invent” a new invoice for you with different billing, address, and/or company name after checkout. Any special internal notes like purchase order #, project name, or headline, can be entered as a “for your use” note on the payment page (the note is for your use, not a note for us).

Submit Project:

Once you complete the checkout/payment process, a thank you message will direct you to the project submission form (link also in your final email order receipt), where you can attach file(s), schedule when the release should push (or “ASAP”), and any special instructions such as keyword focus for social media promotions.

This simple project form does not require you to build your release online (we work from your MS Word or RTF file) or select media targeting, and can be filled out in as little as 5 minutes since most questions are optional.

Then What Happens?

Once the project is received, a staff member will personally review and confirm your project and follow up letting you know if changes are needed, or suggested, and confirm push time.

Special Note for Existing Customers

If you have lost your login password, it’s very simple to reset in order to login to place order. We have no “guest checkout” option.

Reset Password



All services are pre-paid and ordered online, and are offered subject to our Terms of Service (TOS) and Acceptable Content Policy (ACP). Placement of news on any website is subject to that site’s editorial policies, and social media outlets noted in features subject to change. Some news systems and/or aggregators may suffer service outages outside our control. Some systems, including Google News, may skip “stale or duplicate” news content or certain advertorial material. Neither Send2Press nor PRN can “guarantee” placement on any specific news system or social media outlet listed in the Send2Press feature descriptions. Please see our Help/Getting Started for news content we will not accept. All transmitted news content will be conformed to AP Style where necessary without prior preview or approval and to meet our format requirements (see our Help/Getting Started for information; you may request AP format review at no cost for submitted projects).