NEWS SOURCE: Second 8th Week Ministries Inc.

Moving the Dynamics of ID From Physical Creation to Spiritual Transformation Provides Answers to Intelligent Design Questions

PORT HURON, MI (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Dr. Eric vonAnderseck, of Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc., presents unprecedented empirical evidence in his Doctoral Thesis on Intelligent Design for Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation (IDCCST). He states, “Proving God’s Intelligent Design for the soul establishes God as the Creator of the universe. He who created the seed created the apple. Although the apple holds the power of taste, the seed holds the power of the pattern.”

With the science community now bridging themselves to religion, we see the emergence of a new paradigm: people are looking for Intelligent Design answers beyond physical creation. Believing there is no greater question facing humanity than discovering the purpose and meaning of life, physicist Charles Townes, winner of the $1.5 million Templeton Prize for linking religion and science is quoted as saying, “If you look at what religion is all about, it’s trying to understand the purpose and meaning of our universe… Science tries to understand function and structures… In the long run they must come together” (Stammer L.B., Times Staff Writer, “Physicist Wins Spirituality Prize,” Los Angeles Times, March 10, 2005). *(Photo Caption: Dr. Eric vonAnderseck.)

With nearly 3 decades of qualitative research, efficacy studies, multi-scale analysis, and gap analysis reports, Dr. vonAnderseck bridges scientific data in the fields of psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, neurobiology, and systems theory with his investigative research in theology, hermeneutics, pneumatology, phenomenology, philosophy, Christology, theodicy, and epistemology. In his doctoral thesis he establishes an unprecedented cause and effect mapping of Exigent Faith, and proves the Intelligent Design for the soul.

Identifying the Problem

Despite a multi-billion dollar Christian industry that offers new education products each year promising breakthroughs and transformation techniques, the majority of Christians admit spiritual transformation remains a mystery. Impact studies show faith disenfranchisement is at a pandemic level. APA introduced new diagnostic category called, “Religious or Spiritual Problem” (Code V62.89) in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth Edition (APA, 1994)

Researcher George Barna confirms link between faith crisis and present Christian Education programs when he noted, “…the bottom line remains unchanged: most Christians are simply not making progress in their personal spiritual development” (Barna G., Discipleship Insights, November 28, 2000).

Clinical Studies

Dr. vonAnderseck’s 5-year international research study showed clinical evidence of a predictable pattern for IDCCST that behaves consistently across religious and cultural boundaries.

Aggregating naturally occurring data and transmutation functions of Spiritual Conjugation, measuring truth in light of its power, and demonstrating homeostasis in God’s physiology of truth Dr. vonAnderseck states, “We see design, structure, and function at the level of natural creation and we see it again at the level where God engages with humanity. God created the soul in His own image and likeness and also designed the soul to follow a pattern for increase in His likeness within the environment He created for this contact.”

Education Campaign for Choice Education

As a result of Dr. vonAnderseck’s ground breaking thesis on Exigent Faith Symptoms & Behaviors and the Ontology of Cognitive Faith Processes for IDCCST, he has launched a global campaign to inform Christians of the unique faith-based education services his university offers at no cost. International survey studies of graduates show a 100% success rate of meeting daily and sustained spiritual transformation goals, demonstrating achievement of unity of faith, removing faith in crisis, while retaining cultural and ethnic diversity.

Dr.vonAnderseck is the author of the upcoming book, “Breaking the Antichrist Code, the Blueprint of Deception” ).

He is also:

* Founder, Scholarship Grant Foundation: vonAnderseck Life Endowment Foundation, 2005

* Founder, Research Center: National Center for Quality of Life Research, 2004

* Founder, International Accreditation Agency: Second 8th Week International Accreditation Agency, 2004

* Founder, Non Profit Corporation: Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc., Incorporated 2003

* Knowledge Engineer: Christian Choice Education Program for Intelligent Design Christ-Centered Spiritual Transformation, Publicly launched 2003

* Founder of University: Second 8th Week University, 1999

More information:

News issued by: Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc.

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Original Story ID: (949) :: 2005-10-1027-006

Original Keywords: intelligent design, Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc., IDCCST, Dr. vonAnderseck, book, spiritual transformation, faith crisis, Antichrist, Eric vonAnderseck, science and religion, bridging science and religion, Christology, Christian education, sociology, psychology, religion, Exigent Faith Symptoms & Behaviors and the Ontology of Cognitive Faith Processes, Breaking the Antichrist Code, the Blueprint of Deception Second 8th Week Ministries, Inc.

NEWS SOURCE: Second 8th Week Ministries Inc. | Published: 2005-10-27 15:40:00

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