NEWS SOURCE: Robert Xiques Publishing

Newly Published Book Reveals the True Nature of Belief, and Why Belief Itself Has Been an Impediment to That Which it Claims to Advocate

SANTA CRUZ, CA (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — A unique book by Robert MacFarlane Xiques, “Understanding Alpha Omega” (ISBN 0-9770765-0-4) offers an understanding of the nature of fear, which is the foundation of belief, and its subtle incorporation into the human psyche. Examples are given that fear, which is division, has constantly divided the thought of man and shall continue to do so until it has been understood. It is in the understanding of personal fear, which is ignorance, that fear is converted into knowledge and thereby is no longer division. Fear is shown to be the foundation of human thought and, as division, its self-destructive effects on man can be enormous.

Man has been conditioned to believe that only particular phenomena are generators of fear, but fear is more subtle than any belief as it appears and occurs throughout all belief. The understanding, or elimination, of fear is shown to require access to that which is absolute as it is within the individual. It is a quandary that belief in the absolute is itself an impediment to that which is absolute. As belief has a foundation of fear, the understanding of fear directs the individual to move back into belief in the absolute, or God, rather than simply rejecting, or dividing, oneself from it.

The understanding of a belief emanating directly out of the absolute gives the individual believer access to that which is absolute and is the ultimate purpose of such a belief. The purpose of this book is to be a guide in returning any believer back into that which is the absolute as it is understood.

The vocabulary used within this book is deliberately limited as much as possible. The emotional resistance to the understanding of fear, no matter how subtle, is difficult enough to overcome without having to deal with excessively difficult vocabulary or manner of expression. This book offers an understanding of those things which fear has distorted and have been made to appear more difficult to understand than they really are.

According to the author:

“The thought of man is his soul. The soul, thought, or psychology, of any person has a foundation of fear, until understood. Fear is not the true origin, or foundation, but appears to be until understood. What has been called original sin is fear, or division , from the true foundation of thought, which is reality. Fear is the assumption of reality, or truth, and this assumption, as it appears in the person is called belief. Belief in reality divides man from that reality by fear. Division from reality causes the illusion of time or death. Belief in reality is no substitute for reality. Reality is truly absolute, or God. It does not change.”


“That death by which Christ is glorified is the consummation of fear, or belief. Belief is death. This consummation must occur within the individual believer. The consummation of fear is the understanding of fear, or the conversion of fear into knowledge. As the believers then function out of knowledge, or reality, the fantasy, or the illusion, is gone. It is expedient that the illusion departs, for if the illusion remains the believers are denied access to reality, which is the fulfillment of their belief. It is not possible to hold to fantasy and reality at once. It is either one or the other. It is life or it is death. Choose life.”

“Understanding Alpha Omega” (ISBN 0-9770765-0-4, Robert Xiques Publishing) is available at:

News issued by: Robert Xiques Publishing

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Original Story ID: (971) :: 2005-11-1104-004

Original Keywords: Understanding Alpha Omega,, ISBN 0-9770765-0-4, nature of belief, writer, author, publication, Robert MacFarlane Xiques, Robert Xiques Publishing Robert Xiques Publishing

NEWS SOURCE: Robert Xiques Publishing | Published: 2005-11-04 18:19:00

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