Entertainment News - Page 49

Page 49 of Entertainment News issued by the Send2Press® Newswire service.

WBJB Self Publishing Radio Interviews Christopher Simmons, PR Pro about the Value of the Press Release

NEW YORK, NY – Nov. 16 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — WBJB Publishing Basics Radio host, Ron Pramschufer, interviews PR Pro Christopher Simmons about the value of a press release to the typical small publisher. A wide range of details are discussed in the podcast, from the evolution of the press release from teletype to Internet. What is a press release? What is the primary goal of a press release? Who should send out a press release and who shouldn’t? What type of results should you expect from your press release, and what you shouldn’t.

Neotrope Chosen as Agency of Record for SamuraiBaby.com

TORRANCE, Calif. – Nov. 7 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Neotrope(R), a leading advertising, PR, and Internet Marketing firm established 1983, today announced it has been chosen by SamuraiBaby.com, to act as the agency of record for the company’s PR and marketing efforts. As part of the agreement, Neotrope will help market the new book ‘Way of the Baby: A Book of Five Grins’ (ISBN: 0595358853) written by SamuraiBaby’s Brian Hutchins, and related ‘Samurai Baby’ customized art and gift items, and act as media liaison.

Beatles Book Author Featured on Send2Press Podcast

TORRANCE, CA – Nov. 7 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Zane Lalani, author of ‘Teenagers Guide to the Beatles,’ is the featured guest on the latest Send2Press entertainment Podcast. The musical guest is The G-Man, who previews his latest CD on Delvian Records, ‘Motion Potion.’ The Podcast (www.Send2Press.com/podcast/) is hosted by author and musician Christopher Simmons, and can be listened to ‘on-demand’ in both RealAudio and MP3 formats.

Books to Bookmark(TM) – 11 New Books Worth a Look for Oct. 2005

REDONDO BEACH, CA – Nov. 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire (www.pubnewswire.com) announced today 11 new books ‘worth a look,’ announced during October 2005. Topics include a book on managing your digital music library by Richard Mansfield; a new astrology and diet book by TV personality Maria Shaw; and a book that celebrates the career of NBA great Reggie Miller.

Controversial Sculptor Daniel Edwards Featured on Send2Press Podcast

TORRANCE, CA – Oct. 31 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Sculptor Daniel Edwards, who recently held a controversial exhibition at New York’s First Street Gallery, that made the front page of the NY Times arts section, and raised the eyebrows of sports fans because of Ted Williams’ ‘Death Mask’ is the featured guest on the latest Send2Press entertainment Podcast. The Podcast is hosted by PRSA and ASCAP member Christopher Simmons.

Roundup of 10 New Book Releases for September 2005

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. – Oct. 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire announced today 10 new books of note, released during September 2005. Book topics include the ‘Teenagers Guide to the Beatles’ by Zane Lalani; ‘The Savvy Guide to Home Security’ by John Mueller; ‘TVtherapy’ by Beverly West and Jason Bergund; and ‘Haul Away! Teambuilding Lessons from a Voyage Around Cape Horn,’ by Rob Duncan.

Best Selling Author Beverly West and R & B Vocalist ‘Lemme’ featured on Send2Press Podcast

TORRANCE, Calif. – Oct. 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Beverly West, co-author of a new book ‘TVtherapy: The Television Guide to Life’ (Delta Books) which tells how we use TV to help us cope with everything from a bad hair day to a bad break up, is interviewed on the latest webisode of the Send2Press entertainment Podcast. The musical guest, Lemme, introduces the title track from her new CD on De-U Records, called ‘Take the Time.’ The Podcast is hosted by PRSA and ASCAP member Christopher Simmons. The show is located at www.Send2Press.com/podcast/ and can be listened to on-demand in both RealAudio and MP3 formats, and subscribed to via iTunes or RSS/XML.

Interview with Robert Bowie Johnson on Send2Press Podcast

TORRANCE, Calif. – September 20 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Bob Johnson, whose company has re-released a controversial board game ‘Public Assitance,’ on how to win at welfare and not work for a living, and a new game called ‘Capital Punishment’ where you can send celebrity criminals to the electric chair, is interviewed about the games and about how welfare officials worked to ban the game in the 1980s, on a new entertainment talk show podcast produced by Send2Press Newswire. The podcsst is hosted by PRSA and ASCAP member Christopher Simmons.

Podcast Coaching Services Launched by Neotrope

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – September 19 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Neotrope(R), an entertainment marketing company established 1983, announced today the launch of a new Podcast Coaching Service package available through its Send2Press(tm) Newswire unit which will provide professional media coaching for anybody who wants to be comfortable with and prepared for a Podcast interview.

AUDIO AVAILABLE: Podcast – Interview with Author, Actor and Activist CraigX on Send2Press Podcast

TORRANCE, Calif. – September 16 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Author Craig X. Rubin (‘CraigX’) is interviewed about his new book ‘9021GROW,’ about his consulting and guest starring role on Showtime’s new TV series ‘Weeds,’ and about the issues of the environment, economy and how hemp can positively impact these troubled areas. CraigX is featured on a new entertainment talk show podcast produced by Send2Press Newswire (www.Send2Press.com) and hosted by PRSA and ASCAP member Christopher Simmons. The show is located at www.Send2Press.com/podcast/ and can be listened to ‘on-demand’ in both RealAudio and MP3 formats, and subscribed to via iTunes or RSS/XML.

New York’s Blue Hill Troupe a Hit in G&S Territory

NEW YORK, NY – September 7 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Blue Hill Troupe’s innovative production of that Gilbert & Sullivan rarity, The Grand Duke, was honored at the 12th Annual International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival in Buxton, England, last month.

Roundup of 13 New Book Releases for August 2005

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. – September 3 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishers Newswire (www.pubnewswire.com) announced today 13 new books of note, released during August 2005. Book topics include the nature of reality in ‘Paradox’ by Jane Weir; ‘The Evolution Diet” by JSB Morse; an autobiography of the ‘wizard of weed’ in ‘9021Grow’ by CraigX; evidence proving pre-Columbian Chinese maritime survey of the world in ‘The 1421 Heresy’ by Anatole Andro; and author Waymon Lefall brings a missing piece of African American history to his children’s book ‘The Legend of Jocko.’

Musician and Journalist Christopher Simmons Joins Other Electronic Musicians on CD Baby Donating CD Sales to Red Cross

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. – August 31 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Musician, author, artist and photographer Christopher Laird Simmons (www.SimChris.com) joined hundreds of other musicians, bands, and independent record labels today in ‘banding together’ with CD Baby (www.cdbaby.com) to donate their entire wholesale price on music sales to the American Red Cross disaster relief fund.

‘Death Mask’ of Baseball Star’s Severed Head Featured in Exhibit – Ted Williams’ Life or Death Controversy Resurrected

NEW YORK, NY – August 25 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — What would be the ultimate prize for a big-game collector of memorabilia from a larger-than-life sports legend? Curious gallery goers may find an answer in the new exhibit titled The Ted Williams Memorial Display with Death Mask from The Ben Affleck 2004 World Series Collection, hosted by the Chelsea district’s First Street Gallery. The gallery kicks off its season with the world premier unveiling of the ‘death mask’ of baseball great Ted Williams’ clinically decapitated frozen head.

AUDIO AVAILABLE: Podcast – Publishing Basics Radio, Covering the Book Business

NEW YORK CITY, NY – August 24 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Publishing Basics Radio released this week a series of interviews with the nation’s top Print on Demand (POD) book publishers. The seven part series includes interviews with the CEOs of iUniverse(TM) and AuthorHouse(TM), as well as the former finance VP of Xlibris(TM). The podcast series is hosted by Ron Pramschufer, a 30-year veteran of the printing and publishing industries. His straight talking, no nonsense interviewing style falls somewhere between Colombo and Bill O’Reilly.

AUDIO AVAILABLE: Podcast – Send2Press Newswire Weekly News and Entertainment Program

TORRANCE, Calif. – August 24 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The first episode in a new entertainment talk show podcast was released this week by Send2Press Newswire (www.Send2Press.com) and hosted by PRSA and ASCAP member Christopher Simmons. The first show features interviews with Scott G ‘The G-Man’ who is a professional voiceover talent heard on dozens of top-brand radio commercials and a popular music recording artist, as well as a chat with the folks at GoldenPalace.com who recently painted 100 cows in Florida with the blessing of PETA.

Interviews With Top POD Publishers Reveal the Dark Side of the ‘Pay to Be Published’ Industry

NEW YORK, NY – August 24 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Today Publishing Basics Radio released a series of interviews with the nation’s top Print on Demand (POD) publishers. The seven part series includes interviews with the CEOs of iUniverse and Author House, the top two POD publishers in the country, as well as the former finance VP of XLibris, the third largest. When combined, the interviews paint a revealing picture of an industry slanted more toward selling books and services to authors versus selling books to the public.

Interactive Voices Goes Podcasting in the Apple iTunes Podcast Directory

TORONTO, Canada – July 20 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Interactive Voices, provider of voice-over services, has launched their own podcast, an audio presentation, to serve voice-over talents in a new and dynamic way. Interactive Voices is sharing their insight with professional voice talents, serving up voice-over news and events, voice-over related business ideas, technology reviews, answering questions submitted to the show about voice-overs and providing talent with a show to call their own from a company they can trust

Publishers Newswire Lets Authors and Publishers Submit Free Book Event Announcements

REDONDO BEACH, Calif – May 25 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Authors and publishers can submit book events for upcoming author appearances, lectures, book signings, book festivals, conferences, workshops, and award ceremonies for free publication on PublishersNewswire.com, which also appear in search engines and online news systems. Publishers Newswire(TM) also includes announcements related to new books, magazines, ebooks, and audio books.