IAAS Worldwide is a diverse company that through its employees and partners can provide companies with the knowledge to steer a positive course in the ever changing industrial market place. Through services such as asset appraisal, IAAS Worldwide can provide values that are current, knowledgeable and informative. The comprehension of asset values affords lending institutions and companies the tools needed to make the best decisions in today’s industrial market.
IAAS Worldwide provides lending institutions, corporations and small companies knowledgeable appraising services for virtually any industrial discipline as well as an experienced on staff business broker.
Our staff members have been conducting various types of liquidations for decades. What makes our company different is the diversity of our liquidation capabilities, the techniques we have learned and our additional experience in the international placement of commercial assets. Our company maintains a global niche in the industry to find the appropriate marketplace, wherever in the world that may be, as well as a worldwide buyers list.
Alan D. Loeser
IAAS Team Leader
Phone: 877-235-8299
Fax: 717-235-8331
Email: alan@iaasworldwide.com
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