Institute for Religious Tolerance Peace and Justice Newsroom - Profile and News Archive
Founded in 2011, the Institute for Religious Tolerance Peace and Justice is a non-profit organization with no standard set of beliefs required of our supporters. However, all of us, by volitionally electing to participate in this initiative, tacitly subscribe to a common set of fundamental assumptions, such as the fact that all people have an equal right to liberty, justice and peace; and that religious tolerance is crucial to the establishment of peace and justice.
We uphold each person’s right to choose their religious beliefs, and affirm that no one has the right to force religious, spiritual or philosophical beliefs upon any other person, either by physical force, or by any other means, such as social, economic, psychological, or political coercion. The right to free expression of worship, or the lack thereof, is an individual right, so long as such free expression does not hinder the mutual freedom of others.
Founded in 2011, the Institute is a non-profit organization, incorporated in California under state and federal non-profit laws.
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