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"The Gold Thinker," an Andy Warhol original painting, a Gold Marilyn comparable masterpiece, to be auctioned online with eBay for charity November 7 - 17, 2016 at thegoldthinker.com, Michael P. Wilson, the painting's owner, announced.
The iconic piece was discovered by Michael P. Wilson at a thrift store years ago in California. He was attracted to the unique characteristics but did not immediately recognize it as an Andy Warhol. Years later, he began an inquiry and collection of Andy's informal signatures. After seeing Andy Warhol's "Gold Marilyn," and several drawings from Daniel Blau's book "From Silverpoint To Silverscreen" -- a book releasing 200 never-before-seen in the public 1950's Andy Warhol drawings -- he then decided to research his painting, leading him to Fine Art Authenticator & Appraiser G.B. Tate.
Mr. Wilson plans on sharing part of the proceeds with the City of Hope, as both he and his wife lost family members from illnesses which are treated and researched at the hospital.
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Learn more online at: http://www.ebay.com/rpp/goldthinker