NEWS SOURCE: Millennium Health Supplements Canada Inc.

Hoodia Gordonii, Internet Fraudsters are Dragging the Good Name of Hoodia Gordonii Through the Mud!

TORONTO, Canada – August 10 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Millennium Health Supplements (Canada) Inc., a Western Cape licensed importer of South African hoodia gordonii and Internet retailer of HoodiaHoodia thinks this all-natural appetite suppressant is the most incredible discovery in the weight loss industry — but beware, hoodia scams are all around.

Everyone is jumping on the hoodia gordonii bandwagon and the Internet is teeming with new companies producing a wide range of hoodia gordonii products. While there are some real hoodia products available you will have to do your homework to find them.

Many products being sold as Hoodia Gordonii are filled with “unidentifiable plant material,” starch, rice powders, and in some reported cases even filled with sawdust. Some sites even claim to have a 20:1 extract, which is not possible. The appetite-suppressing molecule in Hoodia Gordonii cannot be isolated by giant pharmaceutical companies that would like to produce a drug made from Hoodia Gordonii, so it makes sense when Jen Cully, President of Millennium Health Supplements (Canada) Inc. says; “If big pharma cannot isolate the molecule then how is it possible to have a 20:1 extract? What are they extracting?”

Other sites claim they are authorized to rank Hoodia Gordonii products and suppliers. These sites are always supported by one of the top ranking suppliers listed on that particular site and the site is just used to trash competitors. There are 5 or 6 of these sites on the net and none of them are authorized by any agency to rate hoodia gordonii products or the companies that sell them. These sites provide a great deal of misleading information and steal business from the honest and hardworking people.

Cully says, “Do lots of research before you purchase any products over the Internet. Make sure that the company you purchase from has a telephone number and address listed on the site. Just because you are on the Internet doesn’t mean you can’t call them to ask questions and talk to a customer service representative. Send them an email and see how they respond. Look for a money back guarantee and don’t be fooled by companies that offer a ‘double your money back’ guarantee.” Check with BBB and other consumer sites to see if the company you want to purchase from has had any negative reports filed against them.

All-natural and herbal products don’t work the same way pharmaceuticals or drugs do. Drugs are geared to work for everyone, every time. Natural products can take longer to work and they don’t work on everyone.

While the effects of hoodia gordonii can begin to work immediately on some people, it can take 2 or 3 weeks to kick in for others. Unlike man-made drugs, herbals often work more slowly. Ms. Cully states that, “The majority of our customers find that they feel the effects within the first few days and some, like Leslie Stahl on 60 Minutes, begin to feel the effects within a day or so. If you are one of those that hoodia gordonii does not work on right away, be patient. We have had many customers tell us that they began to feel the effects just when they were nearing the end of the first bottle.”

Last but by all means not least, stay away from products that contain stimulants. Hoodia gordonii has no stimulants and no known side effects. Some products state that they contain fat burners and metabolizing agents which really only speed up your heart rate creating a jumpy and nervous energy. Stimulants can cause your blood pressure to elevate and they can be extremely dangerous. Read the list of ingredients in any blended products and look them up on the Internet to see if they are a stimulant.

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemy. Give yourself a chance. Look for results to show within 3 -­ 4 weeks of beginning any weight loss program or regimen. If you expect to see results in less time it is unreasonable and you are bound for failure. Be patient and sensible if you are trying to lose excess weight. Whether it is 20 lbs or 100 lbs, you didn’t gain that weight overnight and you shouldn’t try to take it off overnight. Walking an extra 1000 steps 3 or 4 times per week can make a huge difference in speeding up weight loss, it is a natural way of boosting your metabolism and best of all, it’s free. Make a plan yourself and even if you fall of off your program get right back on it the next day.

For more information:

Send2Press editor’s note: review and investigate all product use warnings, directions for use, and consult your doctor before starting any herbal remedy for possible drug interactions, allergies, or other issues related to your individual health status. Publication of the above news item by this website does not imply an endorsement or recommendation for any health product(s) mentioned.

News issued by: Millennium Health Supplements (Canada) Inc.

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Original Story ID: (651) :: 2005-08-0810-006

Original Keywords: Millennium Health Supplements (Canada) Inc., hoodia, hoodiahoodia, weight loss program, regimen, toronto, ontario, canada, all-natural appetite suppressant, Hoodia Gordonii, products and suppliers, facts, caution, warning, need to know, Jen Cully Millennium Health Supplements (Canada) Inc.

NEWS SOURCE: Millennium Health Supplements Canada Inc. | Published: 2005-08-10 20:37:00

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