Free news content for your news portal from Send2Press Newswire
If you have a news portal, you can easily syndicate our news via RSS2. With the right tools you can pull in full-text copies of all our news, or target by topic (e.g., “Entertainment”), or even micro target by sub-topic (e.g., “Books and Publishing”).
From the “news topics” page (link button below), you can simply add /feed/ after the end of any news topic index to get the RSS2 news feed.
Example for “Books and Publishing” topic:
Important Note: we do not allow our news content to be syndicated onto any website selling a competing service, such as paid press release distribution/posting, or similar.
Non WordPress-based Sites
If you’re using a content management system (CMS) other than WordPress, such as Drupal (etc.), you will need to look for a plugin/add-on that can bring in news from a RSS feed and save as “posts” in your CMS.
WordPress-based Sites
If your news/content portal is based on the highly popular WordPress platform (, you can use some reliable tools to bring in our news as full-text posts, choose how to place into categories, choose to import tags, and even bring in the inline image as a “featured” image for use on categories as thumbnails.
The following WordPress plugins are recommended, based on our own experience. You may choose to use a different method.
- FeedWordPress — this versatile plugin allows you to import RSS feeds from Send2Press into your news portal, and choose how to post, set author(s), and fully automate live posts.
Original Source Link:
If you wish to include the original source meta tag in your HTML header, you can add the following code to your WP theme (usually in header.php before the closing head tag). This basically pulls the source permalink custom field created by FeedWordPress so you can print in your meta data.
Important Notes:
- You should not pull news from our system more often than every 120 minutes. Pulling our feeds “too often” might trigger an abuse block from our CMS management suite. Please act responsibly.
Thank you 🙂 - Sometimes we have no news! We are closed Sat./Sun. and major U.S. holidays. We also have “no news” on travel days often before/after major holidays, where many folks take the Friday off before a holiday landing on a Monday.
- Syndicators and aggregators may *not* remove our name from the news items. All feeds include a link back to the originating story to comply with both copyright and for Google and other systems to see the “canonical source” of the original story. With news items, this helps resolve potential problems with duplicate content (news syndication is treated differently than bylined articles or pure organic content).
- “Feed Validation” may not pass if you use the W3C checker, as it’s too out of date to recognize common modern elements like images being https vs http, and the “srcset” tags used by WordPress. However, our feeds will validate for use with FeedWordPress just fine (we do it every day here).
- Finally, again: we do not allow our news content to be syndicated onto any website selling a competing service, such as paid press release distribution. We do not allow our news to be syndicated onto any portal selling illegal/stolen content, multi-level marketing scams; abusive, racist, or pornographic content, or the like.
- For questions about this program, you can use this general contact form: