Partition Magic replacement News

News items related to Partition Magic replacement as issued by the Send2Press Newswire service on behalf of the noted news source.

Free and Easy to Use EASEUS Partition Manager for Home Users Reshapes Disk without Data Loss

NEW YORK, N.Y., Nov. 25 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — EASEUS Software, the innovative and dedicated hard disk management solution provider, today announced a free partition resizer – EASEUS Partition Manager Home Edition v2.1. For home users, this free partition resizer replaces the commercial Partition Magic. It creates, deletes, formats and moves a logical disk to reallocate free space or to simply comply with system requirements of a tricky application.

Partition Server Magic Tool: EASEUS Partition Manager Server Edition V2.1

NEW YORK, N.Y., Nov. 20 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — EASEUS Software, a leading software provider, announces the release of their latest server edition of Partition Manager Server V2.1, a product that provides easy and reliable hard drive partitioning and hard disk management. Partition Magic and Server Magic are out-of-date because PQ was acquired by Symantec and stopped updates.