NEWS SOURCE: Bingo Bango Software Inc.

ATLANTA, GA (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Bingo Bango Software Inc., an Atlanta based start-up, announced the release of Elicit 1.1.4 which is the first desktop blog client to integrate Topix’s Search and Blog Search for the purpose of helping bloggers create and find content from the blogsphere.

“Discovering what other bloggers are talking about is an essential part of being a successful blogger,” Says Eric Griffin, CEO of Bingo Bango Software, Inc. “With the integration of Topix Search and Blog Search in Elicit; bloggers can search other blogs while they are writing for their blog.”

Topix Search and Blog Search are integrated as an Elicit “docklet.” The Topix Blog Search docklet is a floating dockable window whose content can be dragged and dropped into Elicit’s blog entry editor. The blogger never has to leave Elicit or open a browser window to access Topix searh results.

The Topix Blog Search docklet joins the, Yahoo, Technorati and Google Blog Search docklets already within Elicit to provide an unpresedented level of access, in one blog client, to the pulse of the blogsphere.

Elicit can be downloaded for a 30 day trial and purchased for $59 from their web site at

About Elicit

Elicit, released October 3, 2005, is a destop blogging client that connects to WordPress, Blogharbor, Typepad, Squarespace, Blogger, Livejournal and MovableType blog management systems. Elict is the first blog client to allow bloggers to manage and publish automatically, to dozens of blogs, with a calendar without having to push a “publish” button. Elicit is the first blog client to integrate Web and RSS Services from Amazon, Chitika, Google, MSN, Flickr, Furl, and Yahoo in one place, for the purpose of increating blogger productivity.

About Bingo Bango Software Inc.

Bingo Bango Software Incorporated is an Atlanta based, angel funded, company formed to create productivity tools for the growing number of bloggers.

Media Contact:
Herbert Page

Press Center

News issued by: Bingo Bango Software Inc.

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Original Story ID: (1071) :: 2005-12-1205-002

Original Keywords: Elicit, Bingo Bango Software Inc., Topix, blog, blogosphere, search, Blog Search docklet, Eric Griffin, helping bloggers create and find content from the blogsphere, Elicit Blog Client Bingo Bango Software Inc.

NEWS SOURCE: Bingo Bango Software Inc. | Published: 2005-12-05 13:03:00

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