Medical Device News
Article Editor: Christopher Laird Simmons
'Gate-Keeper' Patent Granted For Novel Germicidal Device To Help Prevent Hospital-Acquired (Nosocomial) Infections
BOSTON, MA - May 19, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Catheter site infections are among the
most common and serious nosocomial infections. UVSolutions (
announces its patented catheter site disinfection system, also patented for wound care,
is a safe, effective, painless, low-cost disinfection solution.
Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infection affects 1 in 20 patients and kills more people
than car accidents and homicides combined. The CDC estimated that in the U.S. in 1995,
nosocomial infections cost $4.5 billion and contributed to more than 88,000 deaths -- one
death every 6 minutes.
Catheters routinely provide hospitalized patients with medication, nutrition, hydration
etc. The largest single cause of catheter related infections is colonization of
microorganisms around the catheter entry site, under the dressing. The microorganisms
multiply and migrate down the outside of the catheter into the blood stream.
UVSolutions has developed a novel system to significantly reduce colonization of
microorganisms around the catheter site. The disinfection system includes a palm-sized,
battery operated ultraviolet C light placed over the catheter site to deliver a single
flash of UVC light through a custom dressing. UVSolutions plans to partner with market
leaders to commercialize the catheter site disinfection system and the wound care system.
"UVSolutions' proprietary flash-based germicidal ultra violet (UVC) sterilization
technology for medical and consumer applications has a greater than 99.9% efficacy in
killing bacteria, viruses, mold, and fungi. UVC does not contribute to the development of
resistant strains of microorganisms, as do other antimicrobials and antibiotics," reports
Geoff Jenkins, President of the Boston-based company.
UVSolutions' medical infection control products provide revolutionary low-cost, non-
chemical sterilization and disinfection solutions to help reduce escalating incidences
and costs associated with nosocomial infections.
UVSolutions' consumer products provide families with low cost, non-chemical,
antimicrobial personal care and water purification products in the wake of increasing
demand for infection control products. UVSolutions has licensed a number of personal care
products to a leading U.S. home appliance company; the products will be commercially
available later this year.
UVSolutions LLC is a privately held product development company in Wellesley,
Massachusetts. The Company licenses its proprietary products to market leaders. Other
products under development include a stethoscope disinfector and rapid germicidal water
purification products for home, travel and personal use. UVSolutions holds several
patents including the newly issued U.S. Patent 6,730,113.
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