NEW YORK, NY - June 8, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Focus Marketing, a new breed of marketing-business support agency for the music business, just launched its new online services for artists and labels.
Artists, artists managers and labels executives are more and more concerned with the additional business responsibilities that the current state of the music industry puts on them. They feel frustrated by having too many things to do to do, with not enough time and money to do them all and without real traction.
The key answer is to focus on the opportunities that will provide the highest return/reaction for their "limited" resources and the critical path to such a focused approach is information analysis and information-driven marketing.
With the new online services from Focus Marketing, artists and labels will now be able to know, in just 72 hours and for a limited $99 investment, how to leverage information to start defining the focus they need to have for their up and coming albums or touring.
What market(s) to focus on, what store type(s) to focus, what neighborhood(s) to focus on. By focusing on the most attractive opportunities, artists and labels will be able to leverage more efficiently and with a higher return, the limited resources that they have.
Thanks to its expertise in the application of information analysis and Fortune 100 marketing best practices to the music business, Focus Marketing provides unique top targets analysis based on the 80/20 rule, marketing-business plan development, implementation support and fans marketing services in order to help its clients focus their "limited" resources on their most attractive opportunities and with the most appropriate marketing approach, for the optimum business impact...for an overall artist career growth plan or for a new release.
"One of the foundations of Focus Marketing is to recognize that people and in particular artists or labels have limited time and resources to do all what they need to do to promote effectively their music," says Jean Marc Rejaud, Founder and President of Focus Marketing. "In that spirit, and based on feed backs from our clients and partners, we felt that it was necessary to provide the artists and labels community with a quick, simple and very affordable way to start using information for defining their optimum focus. We came up with this new very convenient online service and the reaction is already very strong."
The process is very simple: Focus Marketing online services clients just need to indicate 3 well known artists who are close to the artist they engage the analysis for, from a music style, production approach, and songwriting stand points. From there, Focus Marketing will apply its unique methodology and develop its analysis in just 72 hours.
To know more about the new online service, go to:
(for artists & artists managers)
(for labels).
About Focus Marketing
Focus Marketing, based out of New York, NY, is a company bridging data analysis, marketing strategy development and implementation for the music industry.
» Click Here for Latest News from Focus Marketing US LLC
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