Purpose of Athena's Temple in Athens Understood for First Time in More Than
2,000 Years - Noah Depicted in Ancient Greek Art
ANNAPOLIS, MD - June 23, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Visitors to the
Parthenon in Athens and to the British Museum in London, where most of the
Parthenon sculptures are displayed, can now do more than "ooh" and "aah" at
what they see: they can actually understand what the Greeks were telling us
about themselves and their history. The newly-released book from Solving Light
Books, "The Parthenon Code: Mankind's History in Marble," by Robert Bowie
Johnson, Jr. deciphers the meaning of the sculptures of Athena's temple,
relating their messages to the early events described in Genesis.
According to the book, an authentic ancient Greek artists' code, designed to
portray their religious history simply and clearly, reached its highest and
most straightforward form with the sculptures of the Parthenon, the national
monument of Greece.
The author writes that Greek myth/art tells the same story as Genesis except
from the standpoint that the serpent enlightened Adam and Eve in Eden rather
than deluding them. "Greek art depicts the myth; Greek myth explains the art.
Together, Greek myth/art takes us back through the Flood to a woman, a
serpent, and a tree in an ancient paradise," Mr. Johnson said.
The Parthenon Code reveals that the ancient Greeks rejected the Creator God of
Noah in favor of "man as the measure of all things." Thus, the Parthenon
sculptures celebrated the re-emergence of the way of Kain (Cain) after the
Flood. The Greeks called Noah Nereus, the "Wet One," and dated the beginning
of their religious outlook from the latter years of his life, depicting the
patriarch's image on many vases, seventeen of which appear in the book.
Mr. Johnson's work contradicts the writings of the late popular mythologist,
Joseph Campbell, who wrote that the ancient myths were merely subjective
metaphors and expressions of the unconscious mind. "The Greeks created the
living basis of our culture," Mr. Johnson said, "Let's give them credit for
knowing where they came from and what they believed, and especially for
knowing how to vividly express that crucial historical information to
Reviewer Ron Pramschufer of BooksJustBooks.com puts Mr. Johnson's new book
into a contemporary perspective: "While The DaVinci Code is fictional and The
Bible Code is bogus, The Parthenon Code presents a genuine artists' code which
opens the door to long-hidden truths about the origins of mankind."
The Parthenon Code features 251 black-and-white illustrations including
Parthenon sculptures restored by computer artist Holmes Bryant.
Table of Contents, sample chapters, and Flash presentation of Parthenon
Sculptures restored in color: www.solvinglight.com
About the Author
Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr. has been studying the Scriptures,
Greek myth, Greek art, and the Parthenon since 1984. He is a graduate of West
Point and an airborne ranger infantry veteran of Viet Nam. He previous two
books are "Athena and Eden: The Hidden Meaning of the Parthenon's East
Fa�ade," and "Athena and Kain: The True Meaning of Greek Myth."
Book Summary
Title: The Parthenon Code: Mankind's History in Marble
Author: Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.
Publisher: Solving Light Books
ISBN: 0-9705438-3-2
7x10 hardcover, 288 pp., 251 b&w illustrations, $29.95
The book is available to retail outlets through Biblio, a division of the
National Book Network, 1-800-462-6420, or custserv@nbnbooks.com
The Parthenon Code is available now at: http://www.solvinglight.com
For additional information, contact:
Robert Bowie Johnson, Jr.
of Solving Light Books at
+1-410-757-4630 or
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