Human Resources News
Athletic Dynamics' Victory Corporate Fitness Program Trains Employees for Success
Article Editor: Beverly West
ALBANY, NY - October 7, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Athletic Dynamics LLC
(, an industry leader in corporate wellness and fitness
programs, today announced the launch of their new employee fitness package, The Victory Corporate
Fitness Program, designed to help employees get in shape for optimum professional and personal
performance and success.
According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), poor diet and physical inactivity lead to
300,000 deaths each year-second only to tobacco use. Today, in many states, over 70 percent of
Americans are inactive and do not take part in any physical activity. The cost of inactivity
manifests itself in absenteeism, heart disease, and other factors that decrease effectiveness and
increase the cost of labor. Many companies are seeing the success of corporate fitness programs
in decreasing health care costs and energizing employees for success. Athletic Dynamics' Victory
Program combines first-hand experience in the high stress corporate world with the latest in
strength and conditioning information to offer a corporate wellness program that truly makes a
"The Victory Program is designed to energize employees for success by focusing on what they want
to accomplish as individuals," said Peter Dean, co-founder of Athletic Dynamics and creator of
the Victory Program. "We ask employees to choose a personal athletic goal beyond just losing
weight or getting fit. The program is designed to focus on an activity that interests the
individual -- something that they would actually enjoy doing, but that they would find personally
"For example," adds Dean, "some people have always wanted to hike up a mountain but never
believed that they could make it all the way to the top. The Victory Program will give them the
tools that they need to get on the path and stay on the path until they reach the summit of that
personal peak."
Athletic Dynamics provides a staff of professionals to give employees all the tools, resources,
and expertise they need to help them achieve their personal athletic goal. The Victory Program
also provides the latest in technology to help employees manage their fitness; nutrition
activities via a web based program by Training Peaks. The software allows employees to track
workouts and nutrition information while communicating with a personal strength coach to help
each employee achieve their goal.
In addition to helping employees target and achieve their own definitions of success, the goal of
The Victory Corporate Fitness Program is to help people establish and maintain a more healthy
lifestyle overall. The Victory Program also focuses on motivation and consistency of effort over
the long-term. After one year, 50% of the individuals that start a fitness program drop out. The
Victory Program is designed to teach employees how to maintain their motivation and gives them
the tools, techniques and principals that they will need to be successful at work and in life
over the long haul.
Victory Corporate Fitness Programs are administered in the workplace for optimum availability and
convenience, and consist of a goal setting exercise, an individually designed strength training
program, strength-training sessions with a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist,
nutrition workshops with a Nutritionist, and motivation workshops with a Sports Psychologist. In
addition, there is a pool of specialized experts available to meet the specific needs of every
individual's goal.
Pricing is customer-specific and can be tailored to meet most HR budgets. Clients can order a
comprehensive full-featured Program or a minimal entry-level version. On the average, the Victory
Program can be run for about the same cost as a monthly gym membership for each employee, but
delivers much, much more.
"The Victory Program is also designed to help employees start what I call the success energy
cycle," said Dean. "The success energy cycle begins when employees learn to feed off of the
energy that they get from physical activity and learn to use that energy to generate more success
in the workplace, and throughout every arena of their lives."
For more information on The Victory Program, please visit:
Organization Website:
Source of News:
Athletic Dynamics LLC
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