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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
LANCASTER, PA - October 2, 2002 / - In the chaotic weeks after 9/11, Dr. Robert Gillio found himself at Ground Zero where, as a pulmonary physician, he answered the call to assist in the medical assessment and care of brave rescue workers who were putting their lives on the line there. He came to know, and be inspired by, not only those workers, but also the hundreds of volunteers who tirelessly supported the rescue efforts in myriad ways.
Dr. Robert Gillio watched the same television footage of the 9/11 attacks that most of us in America viewed. As a Mayo-trained pulmonary expert/educational pioneer, however, he worried more than most about the dust, smoke and toxic particles in the air that polluted the rescue workers' lungs as they worked. Gillio had recently left a successful 20-year practice to found an educational health and safety company, and soon after the attacks, he volunteered his time at Ground Zero, using his professional expertise and one of his company's high-tech products to screen and test rescue workers for lung damage.
"Lessons Learned at Ground Zero" is Gillio's story of those he calls "heroes and angels." In Part One, he recounts their sacrifices and dedication and is humbled to witness the triumph of the human spirit over astonishing adversity. In Part Two, he utilizes his experiences at Ground Zero to design a Call to Action, which can be implemented by individuals, schools, communities and entire states. He challenges each of us to be heroes and angels to take charge of our own health and well being. He offers practical tips to Prepare, Prevent and Respond to ordinary and extraordinary events. Finally, Gillio shares his vision for a "Freedom Generation" wherein personal responsibility, technology and well-formed agency coalitions merge to create a smarter, safer, healthier America for all of us. The book is now available for purchase online for $11.95.
Realizing that tomorrow's events may alter our perspectives, and our lives, just as the events of 9/11 did, Gillio established a companion website, making "Lessons Learned at Ground Zero" an unusual book that is continually up-to-date.
Dr. Robert Gillio is co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of InnerLink, Inc., an educational software/homeland security company based at Lancaster, PA,
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Source of news:
InnerLink, Inc.
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