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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
JUPITER, Fla. - Dec. 3, 2002 - /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Christmas shopping for people with Alzheimer's disease is not an impossible task. The Alzheimer's Store leads the way by answering questions like: "What kind of gift do you give someone with Alzheimer's disease?" And, "What do you give their caregivers?"
There are more than 19 million family members in the United States, each asking that very question this holiday season. What can they get for a loved one or friend with dementia?
A person beyond the early stages of Alzheimer's probably cannot tell you what they want or what they enjoy. But perhaps there are some clues.
"We have to go into their world to discover what they need," explained Mark Warner, co-owner of the Alzheimer's Store. "Our products help both patients and caregivers maintain their independence. They provide reminders for forgetful minds, remove obstacles and ease emotional tensions. For example, a clock with the day and date assists a person in the early stages of Alzheimer's to keep appointments, take medication or eliminate the need to ask what day it is, over and over.
When a person becomes forgetful, taking their medications on time or making sure the pills are only taken once (not double dosing) is very important. An automatic medication dispenser allows caregivers to set up medications, so when the beeper sounds the right meds are taken at the right time.
Here are some more products found at The Alzheimer's Store (
- The Memory Phone allows a person to dial the phone by simply pushing a picture of the person they want to call.
- A picture book explains Alzheimer's disease to young children 5-years old and up.
- Aerobics for the Mind is a set of 100 cards, each with its own exercise in mental fitness.
- The Fuzzy Wuzzy Bear, the world's softest and "cuddliest" Teddy Bear, provides nurturing for those in later stage dementia.
- Sing-a-long video tapes provide hours of enjoyment for patient and caregiver.
The holiday season can be a joyous time for everyone even families caring for someone with Alzheimer's. You just have to know what to get. "We select only products that satisfy real issues faced by people with age-related diseases and those caring for them," said Ellen Warner, co-founder of The Alzheimer's Store.
For more information and gift ideas, visit The Alzheimer's Store at or call 800.752.3238. For holiday tips regarding Alzheimer's disease, go to
- Reflective Impressions is a spiritual and calming CD 33 hymns and Bible instrumentals that not only provide beautiful music, but also fond memories.
- Favorite Hymns - From "Amazing Grace" to "What a Friend," this beautifully illustrated book features verses from twenty four of the most popular hymns in large easy to read print.
- Four Piece Puzzles: Each of these easy puzzles has only four large pieces. Simple to you and I, these puzzles can create a wonderful sense of accomplishment for those in the middle stages of Alzheimer's disease.
- Swing 'N Sing is a fun-filled video exercise program, perfect for people experiencing dementia. It's mixed with nostalgic melodies guaranteed to put a glimmer in the eye, a song in the heart and tapping in the toes!
Source of news:
The Alzheimer's Store
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