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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
A Higher Calling for Mid - Career Adults
LAKELAND, Fla. - Dec. 12, 2002 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- In the struggle to balance time and energy between career, family, and life it seems almost impossible to add a full time college course load. Many people started college but never finished. Spurgeon College offers new hope for adults to finish college and prepare for roles of leadership in ministry and/or the community.
Spurgeon College in Mulberry, Florida has been serving the community and training men and women for the ministry since 1970. Now through the PALM Program (Preparing Adults for Leadership in Ministry) they provide adults with a degree completion program that fits their schedule.
Students continue to enroll in this program because
- Classes meet one evening per week.
- Each three - credit course lasts only five weeks.
- Courses are written according to the distinctives of the college and with adults in
- Transfer credits are easily and quickly evaluated. Credit for Prior Experiential
Learning is available for those who qualify.
- The program can be completed within two years.
- The program is affordable and financial aid is available for those who qualify.
The PALM Program assists adults to finish a Bachelor of Arts degree in Biblical Education with a special track in Christian Leadership.
Rodney Sprowls, an administrator at a local retirement home and current PALM student, says, "It is perfectly suited to meet my needs. I am thankful for Spurgeon's vision for the program."
Paul Heier, administrator of the PALM program, said that "With the PALM program adults have another opportunity to see their dream of having a college degree come true. It's affordable. It's cost effective. The assignments and schedule are reasonable. There's not a good reason a person wouldn't enroll in this program." In addition to teaching and managing the PALM program, Heier pastors Lifespring Community Church in Palm Harbor and has just finished the manuscript for a book on leadership which will be published this spring.
Petrus Strydom, a consultant from the Christian Education Network, Inc. (, says "It has been a privilege to work with Spurgeon College in starting the PALM program. I believe there is a great need for adults in this community to be exposed to the leadership training that is now available at Spurgeon." The Christian Education Network has been instrumental in getting the PALM program off the ground.
Source of news:
Spurgeon College
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