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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
NASHVILLE, TN - Jan. 2, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Beginning in 2003 Appalachian Life Workshops will offer a series of hands-on workshops in Middle Tennessee teaching traditional crafts and skills that were developed and practiced by early settlers throughout the Appalachian region.
The 1-5 day workshops will cover the nearly lost skills of basketmaking, chairmaking, hand hewing dough bowls, spoon carving, and harvesting and weaving hickory bark. Each craft will be taught with a few simple hand tools and participants will take home an item they made themselves. In addition, the workshops are held in a historic setting with meals prepared over an open fire.
"We are not only interested in keeping these nearly forgotten handcrafts alive" says Alan Daigre cofounder of Appalachian Life Workshops, "but also in creating an environment reminiscent of a bygone era. We want to offer people the opportunity to step back in time, away from their normal everyday routine, even if it's just for a few days."
Each of the workshops will be taught by Daigre and Jim McGie, a traditional craftsman from a nearby Amish community. "I am very excited to have Jim teaching with us. He is not only a fine craftsman whose work has won many awards throughout the country, but an excellent teacher as well."
Mr. McGie will also be joined by several of his daughters who will be preparing the Amish style meals over an open fire for the participants. Workshops will be from a single day to five days depending on the topic and include all meals and lodging.
Please contact Alan Daigre with Appalachian Life Workshops at 615-409-6072 or for additional information.
Source of news:
Appalachian Life Workshops
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