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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
SHELBURNE, VT - Jan. 15, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Veteran businessman,
consultant, and author Scott Delman knows first-hand that using consultants can
fix your problems. At up to $2500 a day, he also knows that there is resistance
to hiring them. Who do you trust? Are they worth the money? Will they deliver
results? Delman tackles this age-old problem with an inexpensive, guaranteed
version of his "Unleashing the Possible" program replicated in his new
interactive hands-on guidebook, "Water Cooler Wisdom."
"Water Cooler Wisdom" is a do-it-yourself version of Delman's proven "Unleashing
The Possible" program where workers and management utilize in-house potential
and firmly join forces to solve and improve specific workplace issues. Using
this guidebook gathers strategies, suggestions and ideas crucial for improving
important aspects of any business or organization regardless of its industry or
When asked about the name of his new book, Delman responds, "The company water
cooler symbolizes the place where key ideas are quietly discussed among the
workforce yet rarely reach management in a productive way. It's where the real
'action' is -- yet the information is often kept top-secret. I want to change
all that. People can be more productive -- organizations much stronger."
Delman knows first-hand that most employees have experience, knowledge and ideas
they never use when performing their usual tasks. This program gives them the
means to contribute strategic information and bring their know-how to the
forefront. It encourages them, in a sense, to step away from the water cooler,
share their wisdom and give the boss a "piece of their minds." Organizations
that listen find themselves with a highly leveragable source of in-house
expertise they can put to immediate use, and it doesn't cost them one payroll
cent more. As a result, workers thrive, managers are more successful and bosses
celebrate improvements in customer service, teamwork, profits and workplace
culture; all implemented in record time.
"I have just developed a way to reach more companies and organizations with my
'Unleashing The Possible' training program. I completely revised my first book,
'How To Mean Business by modernizing the language,' re-sectioning the Quick-Tips
and adding seven workbooks. The result: 'Water Cooler Wisdom.' People like the
user-friendly process and the self-sustaining model," says Delman.
This revolutionary approach that has successfully been used by Delman in
productivity training sessions is now available in Water Cooler Wisdom for a
fraction of the cost of hiring a consultant. Anyone can get a free preview of
the guidebook and Delman's "Unleashing The Possible" program by visiting his
website at
A recent client, Jay Monahan, CEO of Ascension Technologies states, "Delman's
[Unleashing The Possible] program was an instant hit with our people. He worked
with us just once and we have transformed relationships among the staff. Delman
delivers the goods he promises on the spot. I am thrilled that his program is
now available in guidebook form that any company or organization can use."
More information is available at or by calling
Scott Delman is author of "How To Mean Business," "Water Cooler Wisdom," and
president of ClientKeep Inc., a consulting firm specializing in strategic
development and education to create organizational alignment, enhance customer
service, productivity, and overall professionalism.
Source of news:
ClientKeep Inc.
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