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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
NEW YORK, NY - Feb. 19, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- With the Homeland Security
threat condition perched at High, the war with Iraq looming and the unemployment
rate pointing to job insecurity, many grown-ups are yearning for the security
blankets of their youth. In an effort to offer adults a measure of comfort in
these turbulent times, The Original Throwb(R) Co. announces
their mid-winter collection of adult polar fleece security blankets with
The security blanket, a term introduced in Charles M. Schultz's Peanuts comic
strip is what psychologists refer to as a transitional object. Typically a soft
toy or blanket, the transitional object is used by the early toddler to relieve
the panic and loss felt in the transition from reliance upon mommy and daddy to
In her article "The Significance of Security Blankets" on,
Dr. Linda Mayes of the Yale Child Study Center suggests that adults use objects
for comfort in the same way. Despite being worn or out of fashion, Dr. Mayes
stresses that grown-ups may hold on to a shirt or dress because of its
associated memories of a well-liked time.
"But as adults, we can't just take our 'wubbie' or 'binkie' and go hide in a
corner. We want that same sense of security, but we need to function and live
our lives," said Michael Denofrio, creator of the Throwb. "So I added sleeves to
the ordinary throw blanket, enabling the wearer to remain comfortably covered
while having the freedom to write a letter, call the relatives or change the
channel to CNN."
A veteran New York fashion designer and interior decorator, Denofrio originally
created the Throwb to help his friend, Gary Herb, battle the side effects of
chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Rosie O'Donnell featured the Throwb
($49.95) on her show, declaring, "It's catching on, the Throwb. Well, it's a
great idea."
Our mid-winter Throwb collection features plaid, patriotic, and love-inspired
designs, and a portion of each sale benefits a variety of charities, including
Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS.
For more details, visit or call 1-800-350-6318.
Source of news:
The Original Throwb Co.
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