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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
WASHINGTON, DC - Feb. 24, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ --, the
award-winning Web site of the National Geographic Society, has launched the
"Gateways" program, making some of its most popular applications, including the
interactive MapMachine(tm), Photo of the Day and GeoBee Challenge available to a
deluxe network of Web sites. has created the "Gateways" program as a means to align
with the Web's top sites, providing them with rich, branded and consumer-tested
applications. These applications are designed to meet the needs of Web sites and
their users by encouraging daily repeat visitation and leveraging the National
Geographic brand. has created two graphic sizes to make
integration easy for each Web site.
"We are responding to the marketplace and the needs of similar Web sites," said
Mitchell Praver, president of "Our 'Gateways' program
will allow sites with shared interests and audiences to have rich,
daily-refreshed content without any additional costs. Likewise, these sites can
expose their audiences to the world and its wonders through some of the most
useful, fun and innovative applications on the Web."
Below is information about the applications available through the "Gateways"
MapMachine --The dynamic MapMachine makes the map user the mapmaker. By
clicking, zooming and selecting political, economic, environmental and other
data from the best sources around the globe, users create their own custom map,
which they can save and e-mail to a friend. If they are map enthusiasts or need
to create a map for a work or homework assignment, MapMachine is the interactive
tool they won't want to miss. (
Photo of the Day -- It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. What
better way to see what is happening in far corners of the world than with Photo
of the Day? Visitors can share these world-class photographs from National
Geographic's rich archives with friends or download them as desktop wallpaper.
Each photo is annotated with facts that reveal the story behind the photo,
including where, when and by whom it was taken, as well as links to in-depth
information on related subjects.
GeoBee Challenge -- Which major European city is approximately on the same
latitude as Washington, D.C. ? Lisbon of course! With this fun and educational
game visitors can test their geography smarts by answering a daily geography
question. (
About, which launched the National Geographic Society into
cyberspace on June 20, 1996, delivers adventure and exploration with the click
of a mouse for Web visitors interested in travel, photography, maps, scientific
discovery and news. Today, the site averages more than 45 million page views per
month and has been honored with virtually all the industry's leading awards
including the Webby, Codie, Omni and the ASME awards. To join the adventure, log
Source of news:
Connors Communications for
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