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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
SPRINGFIELD, MA - Feb. 25, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- "Good night. We've made it to
the end." So ended Sunday night's broadcast of the 2003 Grammy Awards. But is
this really the end? Ask any music industry executive and he'll be sure not to
tell you. But given the current state of the music industry, the sky is falling.
Revenues are down 16% over the past two years. 2002 Marked the first time that
sales of blank CDs exceeded the sales of recorded CDs.
We have the answer.
W.A.M. Management Inc. is proud to announce the launch of!
Tuesday, March 3 we open our doors to artists and music lovers alike. This new
and innovative website offers solutions to the problems that are currently
facing the music industry. Our new encrypted EM3 files will ensure artists and
labels maximum protection against music piracy while simultaneously providing
fans with convenient, safe, high quality, and legal music downloads.
What is Carnie Digital? Safe, fast and legal, is essentially
an online music store. However, instead of selling music in traditional forms
such as CDs and Cassettes, we sell music in the "virtual" format of downloadable
EM3 files (encrypted music files similar to MP3s). We feel strongly that artists
be compensated for their work. This is why we are paying artists an
unprecedented 70% of the net proceeds generated from each download. Simply put,
this is the best rate of compensation currently offered on the web.
Fans will find the website very user friendly. Many problems common to other
music download sites have been eliminated.
We at Carnie Digital are also deeply committed to nurturing the musicians of
tomorrow, and we will be donating 5% of net proceeds to children's music
What is an EM3?
EM3 offers the best of today's technology; the protection of Microsoft's DRM
encryption; the flexibility of traditional MP3's; the speed of Peer-to-Peer
downloads; complete sales tracking; playability in any of today's top media
players and portable devices; and smaller file size than MP3 while containing
full CD Audio quality. Encrypted, safe, fast and flexible, EM3s are the future
of digital music and an ideal and logical solution to the problem of music
Source of news:
W.A.M. Management Inc.
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