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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
WESTBORO, MA - March 3, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Guardian Software, Inc.
( is announcing Guardian Monitor 8.0, a complete
solution to the problem of protecting your loved ones online and serves as your
personal supervisor when you are not there. This downloadable software provides
a complete solution.
Guardian 8.0 provides control over chat, email, Websites visited, passing or
receiving specific information and can monitor peer-to-peer download sites like
KazaA. The software monitors incoming and outgoing messages and can be
configured between an open or stealth operating mode.
Guardian 8.0 records all keystrokes, all display screens, files downloaded and
uses a comprehensive library of restricted words and phrases to monitor both
sides of conversations. Guardian's Videoeye(tm) actually records a searchable
video of computer usage, not just snapshots.
"We are very concerned that most parents don't know what their children do while
they are online", said Rick Currier, President/CEO of Guardian Software. "We are
pleased to offer software that solves the problem and is easy to use. It was
designed with the assistance of a clinical child psychologist, on staff, that is
available to respond to questions by email at no charge. We also offer a free
service called Guardian Viewer that permits you to scan your computer for
objectionable content."
Guardian Software, Inc. was formed in 2000 with the mission to provide high
quality Internet usage software for the home and commercial markets. The
founders of Guardian Software have extensive experience in developing Internet
testing solutions and have applied this experience to deliver innovative
features for Guardian Monitor 8.0, the first in a series of products that are
focused on protecting children online.
Guardian has partnered with Digital River, Inc. (Nasdaq:DRIV), a leading global
e-commerce outsourcer, to provide digital fulfillment and customer support for
Guardian Monitor 8.0. Digital River brings together the e-commerce technology,
world-class infrastructure and best practice expertise needed to manage the
online purchase and delivery of the software..
Source of news:
Guardian Software, Inc.
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