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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
Toronto, Canada - Mar. 5, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- BrainMass Inc. ( is now
providing "Academics without Borders" through its e-learning solution. BrainMass
offers access to some of the world's top academic minds so that students
worldwide can receive scholastic assistance 24/7 from any web-enabled computer.
Often viewed as an exclusive community that is unavailable to student-masses,
graduate-level students, professors and "real-world" professionals are now
opening their office doors to students studying at the undergraduate and high
school levels.
Through an online gateway, students are now posting academic queries to be
addressed by one of more than 1000 Masters- or PhD-level instructors (BrainMass'
Online Teaching Assistants) from 125 universities worldwide. Spanning all time
zones and 44 fields of study, BrainMass is able to address the study demands of
any student.
"In our highly connected, knowledge-based world, students are required to absorb
more information than ever before," said Grant Goodwin, founder of "With expert guidance and mentorship available whenever it is
needed, students are dramatically enhancing their comprehension of difficult
"Learning happens outside the classroom. In any course, the material covered in
class is just a tiny ice cube off a gigantic iceberg of knowledge," says Rachel
Levine, a PhD candidate and BrainMass Online Teaching Assistant. "Professors can
only highlight the most important and/or difficult parts and leave it up to you
to discover the rest."
Students have likened BrainMass to a favorite professor looking over their
shoulder. In its early months of operation, the average user returned five or
more times to receive academic insight. The price-point of BrainMass services,
just $3.79 CAD (approx. $2.50 US) may be part of the reason behind this return
Goodwin adds, "Parents are as concerned about the academic future of their
children as the students themselves. BrainMass gives parents a way to send
instant academic relief. Those who use our service know that their children have
no comparable source of assistance on campus."
BrainMass' Online Teaching Assistants also review drafts of university entrance
letters, lab reports and essays. Reviewers will examine submittals for syntax,
thesis cohesion, and flow; embedding comments directly in the essay documents.
Help Hotlines (North America 1-888-468-5429, International 001-613-531-6182)
have been established to assist students and parents interested in accessing
BrainMass instructors.
BrainMass Inc.
797 Princess Street, Suite 305
Kingston, ON, Canada K7L 1G1
Source of news:
BrainMass Inc.
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