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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
STILLWATER, Okla. - Mar. 17, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- In response to the threats
facing the nation, Teletraining Institute presents a program to improve
emergency response communication using distance learning technologies.
Teletraining plans to educate crisis response workers and managers to utilize
distance learning for training, information dissemination and communication at
The Academy 2003: Distance Learning for Homeland Security Professionals.
The Academy is a two-week course taught by distance learning specialists at the
Teletraining Institute. This year's Academy is specifically designed to assist
emergency response and homeland security professionals in improving the
vigilance and preparedness of their organization by employing distance
technology. The course will be held June 16 to June 27, 2003, at the
Teletraining Institute Training Center in Stillwater, Okla.
The Academy 2003 allows participants to gain hands-on experience with the latest
technologies and understand the capabilities of converting and developing
information into a distance format. Participants will have the opportunity to
explore on-demand services, interact with new distance communication developers
and look into the future of consumer-oriented technologies that can be
implemented to distribute crucial information during a crisis situation.
The Academy 2003 is a unique venue to learn how distance technology distributes
information immediately and consistently to many people at once, which is
crucial in the event of an emergency. The course is specifically designed for
emergency responders and crisis managers including federal, state and local
emergency managers, hospital administrators, firefighters, law enforcement
agents and crisis communicators. Participants will:
- Network with others who have similar
responsibilities and challenges
- Learn components of effective applications,
such as course design, format, teaching
methods, learner support, learning management
and evaluation
- Work hands-on with the most up-to-date
distance learning products and services
- Get the latest information on content
development resources and technology including
audio, video streaming, computer, multimedia
and the Internet
"One of the critical aspects in homeland security is providing appropriate
information to specific audiences using multiple communication systems to ensure
total accessibility," said founder and CEO of Teletraining Institute, Lorne
Parker. "In order to accomplish this task, first-responders must be capable in
their skills and in providing information to specific groups in times of
During the course, participants plan and produce actual content that can be
implemented at their organizations. The Academy 2003 costs $3,495 per person and
group discounts are available. A complete course description is available at
For more information or to register, call Alice Parker at 405.743.3463 or
toll-free at 800.755.2356, or e-mail
About Teletraining Institute
Located in Stillwater, Okla., Teletraining Institute is a nonprofit corporation,
and the nation's largest and most experienced training source for distance
learning. Visit for more information. Teletraining Institute,
1524 W. Admiral Ave., Stillwater, OK 74074.
Source of news:
Teletraining Institute
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