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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
Nanocasting affiliate program designed specifically for authors uses radio
interviews to sell books directly to targeted readers.
LOS ANGELES, Calif. - Mar. 19, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- JackStreet Media
announced today that it has developed and launched Dan Poynter's "Nanocasting"
affiliate program at Developed with Poynter's input, the
program was designed to give authors a way to find new markets for their books
and a mechanism to sell to books directly to the people who want them. Online
affiliate programs, sometimes called revenue-sharing programs, allow web site
owners ("the Affiliate") the opportunity to earn money by referring visitors to
products and services provided by another business ("the Affiliate Partner").
In exchange the affiliate gets a commission on sales made as a result of the
referral. The Nanocasting system was designed specifically for authors and
includes the first affiliate program that uses streaming radio interviews to
sell books. By placing a simple strip of code, affiliates will be able to bring
Poynter to their web sites to help promote and sell books. The Nanocasting
Affiliate code will webcast recorded radio interviews with Dan Poynter
discussing publishing, his books, his products and programs right on their web
sites. The interviews will educate, create interest and help generate affiliate
"Dan Poynter generates more word of mouth than anyone else I've ever met. People
are always referring other people to him. With the launch of the Parapublishing
Nanocasting Affiliate program, Dan's supporters will now be able to get a
commission for their referrals and Dan will be able to find and access new
markets," said Errol Smith, program Director at Jack Street Media. "Dan has an
advantage because he already has a huge network of sites linking to his. As
those sites convert their static links to a Nanocasting affiliate link, Dan
will effectively be on a 'virtual book tour' and his message will be on the
air, everywhere, all the time. But the program will allow any author to set up
their own network of Nanocasting affiliates who will sell their books," said
Poynter is considered to be the foremost industry expert on leveraging
technology to find new ways to publish and market books. The launch of the
Nanocasting Affiliate program is a milestone at Parapublishing as Poynter has
never offered an affiliate program on his site. "For years I've taught authors
how to find and reach groups that want to buy their books.With over 100,000 new
titles fighting for book store space every year, every author must seek out new
channels to reach their readers. The Nanocasting book marketing model, gives
authors a new way to find and sell directly to the readers who want to buy their
books. This is the leading edge of book marketing and the possibilities are
very exciting,"said Dan Poynter founder of Parapublishing. "I'm pleased to
partner with Errol to expand my reach through this direct selling program,"
said Poynter.
Many of the top book marketing experts are now using the Jackstreet Nanocasting
system including, Mark Victor Hansen, best selling co-author of the Chicken Soup
for the Soul series, Robert Allen - best selling author of Multiple Streams of
Income and the One minute Millionaire and Jay Conrad Levinson father of
Guerrilla Marketing and the Guerrilla marketing book series.
About Readers Radio:
Readers Radio and the Virtual Book Tour was developed by JackStreet Media, a
privately held new media company based in Glendale California.
For more information go to the Readers Radio web site at
Source of news:
JackStreet Media
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