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Edited by Adrian Blake, assoc. news editor
SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - May 1, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Kendall "Ken" E. Van
Blarcom, senior management consultant with California-based Executive Consulting
Network (ECN), is pleased to announce the launch of a unique executive employee
assistance program designed to help corporate leaders overcome serious personal
"Generally, senior executives are reluctant to take advantage of traditional
employee assistance programs," says Van Blarcom. "They often think they can
handle the problem themselves or they are concerned about confidentiality."
It then becomes a matter for board members or others close to the executive to
document the problem and refer him or her to an executive employee assistance
program (EEAP) such as Van Blarcom's. In a worst case scenerio, the use of an
EEAP can be used as "reasonable accommodation" documentation to help the company
in the event of a wrongful discharge suit.
"Using the services of my consulting firm is a win-win situation," Van Blarcom
points out. One of the key selling points of his service is confidentiality. "An
outside executive employee assistance program can be very effective because
executives often place more faith in the confidentiality of someone not directly
related to the corporation," he emphasizes.
With an extensive background in education and psychology and more than 25 years
of experience in the employee assistance field serving over 1000 clients
worldwide, he understands how executives think. "I have the ability to instill
trust and confidence in the people that I work with," he says. "This allows for
an open discourse in the nature of the real issues facing the executive."
Van Blarcom specializes in providing consulting services that are arranged
around an executive's busy schedule. With the executive's comfort level of key
importance, sessions could be conducted anywhere from his or her office to a
hunting lodge in Maine or on a cruise ship in the Caribbean, for example, as
long as the arrangement has the company's approval.
A brief initial meeting is held with a company's chairman, president or CEO.
This is followed by extended sessions with the referred executive that could
last up to a full day at a time. "The extended session model, which is unique to
ECN, is extremely effective in getting an executive to face core issues and make
real progress towards correcting behaviour."
Typically, after a first session, he will then meet with an executive once a
week for a month and follow up weekly by phone or email for another month. "Fees
for this service are generally less than the average signing bonus for new
hires," he acknowledges.
ECN's employee support system is designed to address negative and destructive
behaviors by corporate leaders that are triggered by job performance and
leadership pressures. These issues can range from alcohol and drug abuse to
financial, emotional, and family problems.
Source of news:
Executive Consulting Network (ECN)
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