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Edited by Carly Zander, assoc. news editor
NORTH ST. PAUL, MN - May 5, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Pamela Docken, whose
dyslexia went undiscovered for years, spent her elementary years being tested
for mental retardation. Ms. Docken didn't begin to learn to read or write until
second grade. After struggling all through school, Pamela graduated at the
bottom of her high school class. No one believed Pamela, who doesn't know the
difference between a verb and a pronoun, would succeed. But she has, and she's
done very well.
Pamela, the author of two hit musical comedies based on the misadventures of the
legendary Scandinavian couple, Ole and Lena, in 'An Ole and Lena Christmas' and
'Ole and Lena go to da Lake', will open her third production, 'The Night Karaoke
Died', a hilarious spoof on the Karaoke phenomenon, on July 11th, 2003, at Oops
Dinner Theatre ( in North St Paul, MN.
Ms. Docken's previous shows have made the Oops Dinner Theatre, a 100-seat
theatre, over $700,000.00 in sales in just twenty-eight weeks of run time. Due
to popular demand, 'An Ole and Lena Christmas' will return to Oops this holiday
Presales for 'The Night Karaoke Died' and 'An Ole and Lena Christmas' will push
sales of Ms. Docken's productions over a million dollars by the end of 2003.
Source of news:
Oops Dinner Theatre
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