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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
DENVER, CO - May 13, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- McKenzie Scott, a Denver-based
nationwide firm that provides a variety of resources for people seeking jobs
over $75,000, says that 32% of those seeking jobs over $100,000 have directed a
turnaround. In addition, 29% have managed large budgets, 28% have personally
brought in revenues, and 25% have developed strategic alliances.
By comparison, fully 58% have improved productivity, while only 10% have opened new plants, according to Bob Gerberg Jr., President of McKenzie Scott.
The source for their statistics is their Marketability Evaluation of more than
8,000 executives, managers and professionals every month. Participants share
information about themselves, their strengths, and their achievements in eight
major categories, using a total of 237 individual measurements.
"It pays people to be totally honest when they fill out the survey," says
Gerberg, "because only by being honest can they get an accurate indicator of how
they stack up against their competition in the same income bracket."
Participants are asked to indicate their income bracket, so they can see what
percentage of their peers have a specific personal strength or achievement
component that they have.
"Job seekers find this very helpful," Gerberg pointed out, "because out of those 237 characteristics, they learn precisely where they have strengths or
achievements that only a small percentage of competitors have, and where they
lack a particular component of experience that most peers claim. They know what
to emphasize, and where they need to fill some holes."
About McKenzie Scott
McKenzie Scott is the nation's leading firm in providing technology and team
resources to assist professional, managerial, and executive job seekers. Their
services are described at
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McKenzie Scott
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