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Edited by Carly Zander, assoc. news editor
DENVER, CO - May 14, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- "Regardless of your income level, there are seven basic rules you should follow in creating your resume," says Lynette Daniels, Chief Consultant in San Ramon for McKenzie Scott, the nationwide Denver-based firm that provides a variety of personal and technological resources for clients.
According to Daniels, they are:
- Let the reader know right away how and where you can contribute.
- Use keywords associated with your target job that will be searched for by selection software, and noticed immediately by human readers.
- Use a summary statement at the top which gives a concise picture of your achievements and best strengths.
- When you highlight achievements, make sure they directly support your claim to excel in the type of job you're seeking, and don't highlight unrelated achievements.
- Always provide dates, or you'll arouse suspicion.
- Don't graphically highlight anything that might rule you out, such as lack of education, gaps in work history, age, too many jobs, etc.
- If you have liabilities, figure out beforehand how you'll address them, and structure your resume to minimize them or turn them to an advantage.
Following those rules, says Daniels, might not guarantee the best resume, but
most times it will keep your resume from getting discarded in the first cut.
McKenzie Scott is the nations leading firm in providing technology and team
resources to assist professional, managerial, and executive job seekers. Their
services are described at
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McKenzie Scott
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