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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
DENVER, CO - May 15, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- Paul Williams, Vice President for McKenzie Scott announced the firm's latest refinement of its new service for job seekers: its Advertised Market Super Search capability.
McKenzie Scott has pioneered a new technology that makes it easier and faster than ever before to pinpoint job openings that might be right for an executive seeking employment. Williams said that the firm's new capability allows job seekers to instantly scan more than 600 major newspapers and websites for job openings.
Williams explained how it works: People simply need to type in the position they are looking for and indicate the region of the country that interests them. Then, in a matter of seconds their software reads all the classified ads in the media the currently cover, and puts all the openings at the user's fingertips.
He demonstrated an example where a person might be looking for a Vice President of Marketing position. At first, he requested a search for openings nationwide. However, this compiled more than 3,000 openings in a matter of seconds. He then adjusted the search to cover just Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York City. The search results here pinpointed approximately 350 openings.
Williams indicated that this is just one of many parts of the service that McKenzie Scott offers job seekers.
McKenzie Scott is the nations leading firm in providing technology and team resources to assist professional, managerial, and executive job seekers. Their services are described at
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McKenzie Scott
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