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Edited by Carly Zander, assoc. news editor
DENVER, CO - May 15, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- "Time was, a job seeker at the 75K
level and above could count on winning an offer without knowing a whole lot
about the employer or its industry. Those days are long gone," according to Ken
Judd, Executive VP of Consulting at the Denver headquarters of McKenzie Scott,
the firm that offers a variety of technological and personal team resources to
job seekers at 75K+.
"The level of competition is such," says Judd, "that even to get considered you
often need to demonstrate in your email, letters and phone discussions, that you
are well informed about the company's history, its markets, growth directions
and competitive position in its industry. Once you make it to the interview
level, you are likely to be up against candidates as well qualified as you are.
The difference could be in how much you know about the firm. Employers are
impressed with candidates who've taken the time to learn a lot about them.
McKenzie Scott provides each of its clients a personal website. Part of it is a
portal where a client can access any of hundreds of key sites with helpful
information. Part of it gives access to proprietary databases. And part of it is
interactive, where clients can order in-depth reports on specific companies and
have it in their possession in a matter of hours.
"I can't tell you how many times that has made the difference in winning an
offer. I feel sorry for the other guys who go in without that kind of support.
They don't stand a chance," Judd said.
Judd, who managed a $65 million company and consulted with dozens of corporate
clients, pointed out that traditionally no consultant could hope to win an
assignment unless he knew an extensive amount about the prospect, and today the
same goes for any executive seeking a job. McKenzie Scott is the nation's
leading firm in providing technology and team resources to assist professional,
managerial, and executive job seekers.
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Source of news:
McKenzie Scott
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