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Edited by Christopher Simmons, senior news editor
REDMOND, WA - May 19, 2003 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- After only eight months since its
launch, The Wedding Tracker, LLC ( ) now powers over
1,000 live wedding web sites. Wedding Tracker web sites have been built for
weddings in all US states and in over 30 countries. The service is currently
growing at over 200 new weddings each month.
The Wedding Tracker has developed a platform that allows couples to quickly and
easily build a customized wedding web site using a web-based wizard. Each
wedding site comes with its own domain name (i.e.
that is registered in real-time. Couples can select from many professional
designs and colors and may include up to 10 customizable sections on their site.
Couples can also showcase their events, accommodations, photos (up to 200),
attendants, and registries. Every site comes with a guest book, online RSVPs,
and a bonus section for any additional information.
Each Wedding Tracker account comes complete with web-based wedding planning
software. The software provides a comprehensive set of tools to help couples
manage their guests, events, invitations, RSVPs, seating plans, gifts, and more.
The software is integrated with the web site service by allowing online RSVPs
to be automatically recorded in the planning software.
The Wedding Tracker, based in Redmond, WA, launched its wedding web site service
in September 2002. The company offers its complete service at a yearly
subscription fee of $59.95 that includes the web site, domain name, hosting, and
planning software. The Wedding Tracker is the leading provider of wedding web
sites, receiving over five million hits to its web site per month.
Source of news:
The Wedding Tracker, LLC
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