LOS ANGELES, Calif. - May 29, 2003 /PRnetwire.com/ - Coast Video, Inc. today announced the launch of VideoBuilder, a complete production facility providing multimedia development solutions for companies of all sizes. VideoBuilder handles all aspects of a typical video production: scriptwriting, planning and the actual taping/editing. The video can be integrated into multiple distribution formats including video on the Web, Rich Email, PDA presentations, multimedia CD-ROMs, and DVDs. All services are handled through a Web-based system that allows for complete project management and approval, start-to-finish, resulting in enormous time- and cost-savings.
VideoBuilder is ideal for all kinds of business communications, including in-house training videos, business promotion and brand identity. It provides a project environment combining a vast library of stock elements, with the ability to easily insert custom text, images, and documents. The client may design and see in real-time all the elements that will be included in a final presentation.
Once the project is complete, the client may also design labels and order short run or commercial quantities of CD/DVDs, and export content for Web playback. These presentations are ideal for use at trade shows, kiosks, direct mailers, websites and other applications.
VideoBuilder's Web video management system allows the project manager to select a player style, video clips, and the text they would like to see in the player. A unique auto-detection system allows the videos to be easily shown to the widest range of users by detecting player type and connection speed. VideoBuilder sets new standards in the billing of rich media Web hosting by only charging each time the video is viewed.
"Our goal is to provide the best multimedia productions possible for companies of all sizes, offering large corporate quality and capability, but still remaining cost effective," said Steven Johnson, CEO. "An example of the economic benefits of our solution is seen in a typical corporate multi-scene video. This type of project normally costs upwards of $4,000 to produce through a typical video studio, yet through the VideoBuilder site it is $1500."
VideoBuilder(R) is an online division of Coast Video, Inc., of Manhattan Beach, California. For additional information, visit: http://www.videobuilder.com
URL: www.videobuilder.com
Source of news:
Coast Video, Inc.
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