Architect & Real Estate News
Original editor for Send2Press: Christopher L. Simmons
HSK&I Announces Groundbreaking for Capitol Hill Tower
Bethesda, MD - April 7, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- SK&I Architectural Design Group, LLC (SK&I)
announces the groundbreaking for Capitol Hill Towers, located at New Jersey Avenue and L Streets,
S.E.. The Owner and Developer, Valhal Corp., hosts a groundbreaking ceremony today, April 7, 2004.
The project is a thirteen (13) story high-rise residential building that will be approximately
315,000 gross square feet. There will be 374 rental units and 15 unit types in this upscale
apartment complex.
The Tower will have an indoor pool, clubhouse and two levels of below-grade
parking for approximately 250 cars. The building is a key element of the revitalization and renewal
of the neighborhood. The façade honors the traditional architecture of the surroundings with modern
details that give Capital Hill Towers a unique personality of its own. Construction is scheduled for
completion in Spring 2005.
The Developer is NJA Development Partners, LP an entity of Valhal Corp., a New York-based real
estate developer and property manager.
"SK&I is pleased to participate in this milestone event for the Capitol Hill Tower project. We are
honored to be part of this accomplished team, and to participate in the revitalization South East
Capitol Hill," said Sami Kirkdil, SK&I's President.
SK&I Architectural Design Group, LLC (SK&I) is a leading residential and mixed-use architectural
design firm located in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. Founded in 1999, the company has
designed over 5 million square feet of buildings, establishing SK&I as one of the fastest growing
architectural firms in the region. The firm s award-winning innovative design work has been
acknowledged both nationally and internationally.
Other SK&I projects currently under construction include: The Lofts at Crystal Towers, The Edgemoor,
The Berkeley, Massachusetts Court, 1441 Rhode Island Avenue, Wheaton Netterstrom, Alexan Eisenhower,
Alexan Virginia Center, the Paramount at Reston.
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Source of News:
SK&I Architectural Design Group, LLC (SK&I)
Previous News from SK&I Architectural Design Group, LLC (SK&I)
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