Author Shares Frustration and Humor of Dating Experiences in a Collection of Short
ROSWELL, GA - April 19, 2004 /Send2Press Newswire/ -- After hearing countless dating
horror stories Paula Taylor wrote a book about the common male personalities women
encounter in the dating game. Taylor turns these experiences into a collection of 42
short stories, in Run, Farrah, Run! (ISBN 0-9749173-0-3), giving each man a clever
name and offering witty advice. Each story has an illustration representing the
various personalities. She refers to the female reader as "Farrah" offers advice on
how to detect, deal with, or ditch the guy.
One of the stories "The Broke Man" shows the character Farrah, a shapely, wide and
blue eyed, blond donning her signature running shoes. Farrah's body is in the shape
of an ATM machine as "The Broke Man" stands in front of her with his hand out. This
particular story is about a young couple where the guy is always broke and finds
creative ways to get out of paying for things e.g., pretending not to be hungry when
she orders take-out but eats anyway, "forgetting" his wallet, and faulting his credit
card issuer for declined purchases.
Like all the stories in the book it concludes with advice to Farrah. In "The Broke
Man" she tells Farrah that if she's going to date a broke man, make sure he's clever
enough to have mastered the art of inexpensive dating such as walks in the park, trips
to public museums, and giving handmade coupons entitling her to a massage or showing a
girl a good time in the bedroom.
When asked why are people so interested in dating stories as evidenced by the numerous
dating shows e.g., "The Bachelorette," "The Fifth Wheel," Taylor responds "People are
innately nosey beings, which is the reason why they read novels, watch soap operas,
and explore further avenues that allow them to peer into other people's lives.
Moreover, everyone wants to be in love and if when we're not we enjoy experiencing the
magic vicariously."
Title: Run, Farrah, Run! - Detecting, Ditching and Dealing with Dating Dopes
ISBN 0-9749173-0-3
Hardcover - 128 pages - $12.95
Trim Size: 4.25 x 8.75
Publisher: Tea Party Press
Author: Paula Taylor
Available now online at,, and fine booksellers
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